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RaflaRumba Appro 2024 is coming 6th and 7th of March!

Follow us on social media to keep updated!


RaflaRumba Appro is a student event which has been arranged already fourteen times! RaflaRumba is an event where the participants visit predetermined bars and restaurants in the city centre of Helsinki, collecting stamps in their appropasses. The amount of needed stamps depends on your performance limit: how many times you have attended the event before. After collecting the required amount of stamps, participants earn overall patches and can continue having fun in the afterparty.

Performance limits

​RaflaRumba Appro has five different performance limits. You have to complete the limits in order, and in one event you can only complete one limit. Unless you don't have the previous patches attached to your overalls, you are performing the first limit - Trainee. 


The limits are:

Trainee - 8 stamps

Blocker - 10 stamps

Bartender - 12 stamps

Manager - 14 stamps

El Jefe - 16 stamps

Raflaaja - VIP

From the spring 2019, RaflaRumba participants have been able to buy Raflaaja-ticket instead of regular ticket. With Raflaaja-ticket, besides visiting predetermined bars and restaurants collecting stamps to appropasses, participants will form teams and the teams get to attend on a taskpoint round arranged by our partners! Best performing team will be rewarded at the afterparty!

With Raflaaja-ticket you will get past the afterparty queue!


Please note, that you don't have to buy also regular ticket if you are buying Raflaaja-ticket. 

This year we have a brand new Raflaaja-patch! 



- Appropasses @Apollo from 16-19

- Doors open to afterparty at Apollo at 21

- Overall patches will be given at Apollo, at 21-23

- Raflaaja-taskpoint round winner announcement (Wednesday) at 23:30

- Showtime at 00:00 

     Info for the Appro days

- Appropass is your ticket to the afterparty, please, keep it safe!

- Appro prices are in effect from 16 to 21, unless mentioned otherwise.

- You can visit the restaurants in free order. 

- One stamp / restaurant.

- You can perform the Appro also non-alcoholic.

- Raflaaja-taskpoints are only available for persons with Raflaaja-tickets.

- The event will be photographed. Photos will be used in marketing and in RaflaRumba Appro's social media.

- Overall patches are given at the afterparty for "full" appropass (full means at least the stamps needed for your performance limit). Previous patches have to be attached to overalls.

- Prepare to prove your identity at the bars. 

- Last but not least, remember to have fun! 

#raflarumba     #raflarumba2024       #RRA24


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